Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Importance of Halloween Festival

Halloween festival is the part of best holidays will really make the party a blast together with costumes & fragrances. One of the most popular trends today is for families and groups to go with a theme when choosing their costumes, fragrances, decorations things and other enjoyable required things for Halloween special moment.
Halloween is counted into the best festival, which is a holiday celebrated in USA on 31st of October. Generally, through our history peoples known as, Halloween is related to the scarier aspects of life such as like death, magic, and mythical creatures in the life. Halloween activities include tricks, treating, bonfires and costume parties, visiting of haunted houses, reading scary stories, ghost tours, and watching horror movies. There are among the various famous Halloween personalities available in our stories and movies such as like Ghosts, spiders, gnomes, skeletons, ghouls, black cats, and Dracula. Many peoples believes that Halloween a uniquely memorable occasion through which they can remember that there are Adaptable, adoration, aliment as well as asepsis, assumptive, conceit, inequities in our world.
Peoples like to remember the memories of the victories of sincerity and truth on the evil. Halloween is a great festival holiday to center a party around allows us for many opportunities. The Halloween season has many ways to celebrate it through its tradition. Halloween included traditional colors are black and oranges, peoples like to use those colors in the personal life to enjoy the festivals such as like with clothes, dresses, cars, bikes, black masks, dark night, fruits and personal things with fun and in the perfume worlds 1881 Black Men, Basic Black Women , Black Cashmere Women, Aroma D'Orange Verte, Henri Bendel Orange Flower Women and Orange Cinnamon Women perfumes according to traditional colors for presents and lovely surprise. Halloween festival recently add the more colors likes Purple, green, and red for more fun and enjoyments. Peoples are increasing the criteria of the enjoyments with colors and personal things through the addition in Halloween festival. Now peoples are free to use to five major colors from seven main colors in our standard color spectrum. In very common field now peoples like to use 360 Red Men, Armand Basi in Red Women, Diesel Green Feminine Women, Green Jeans Men, Pure Purple Women Hugo Boss , Purple Label Men, Silences Purple Women fragrances and many others.
The best knowledge about the Halloween festival is that Pumpkins and scarecrows are the symbols of Halloween festival. Pumpkins and scarecrows are one of the symbols of Halloween decorate your parties. Peoples like to keep the Halloween magic mirrors at the entrance of their homes. Peoples are likes to get scared looking beacon with a pumpkin, Halloween clocks, and candle holders, Halloween wreaths for creepy Halloween parties, flags and banners in front of the party hall use dark decorations on windows, doors, and sometimes hanging from porches. In the decorations the smells always performed the important role in the parties and peoples like to use it freely for enjoyment, fun, memories and color combinations with family gathering.
At last behalf of the conclusion Halloween festival is full of scary, fun, enjoyable moment, decoration, parties and gatherin

Celebrate Halloween with beautiful perfume and cologne

On October 31 is an annual holiday celebrated as Halloween also spelled as (Hallowe'en) and it is called All Saint's Day. It was originated from Ireland. Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to USA during Ireland's Great Famine of the year 1840s. It is strongly associated with orange and black color with symbols like the Jack-o'-Lantern. People around the world enjoy the activities such as trick-or-treating, wearing beautiful scents and attending costume parties, Ghost tours, and watching horror films. Halloween, the last day of October, has the special significance for children as well as young men and women around the fashion world, who dress in funny with soft and sweet fragrance of ghostly costumes and knock on neighborhood doors shouting, "Trick or Treat!" Pirates and princesses, ghosts and witches all hold bags open to catch the candy and beautiful perfume and cologne that the neighbors drop in. Therefore, let us celebrate Halloween with discount perfume available with reasonable prices that will make you the special occasion remember forever.

As we have entered the Modern world almost every person around the romantic men and women use discount perfume for celebrating Halloween in a batter way. The young and energetic men and women of fashionable world always want hot and stylish lifestyle and this was accomplished by wearing cool and fresh scents. By wearing such great cologne, you look attractive and relaxed. The cheap aromatized will always makes you active, gorgeous and handsome that will help you to enjoy more effectively in the party. The best and fantastic pleasing smell of cheap perfume can be found by different brand name. They are;Hei Eau De Toilette for Men By Alfred Sung, Balance, Ralph Lauren Blue, Coco, Escada Into The Blue, Jessica Mcclintock Eau De Perfume for WomenBy Jessica McClintock, Crave, Acqua Ki Gio Men, Sung Men, Obsession Eau De Toilette for Men, Burberry Brit Eau De Perfume for Women, and so on. These all-soft and sweet scents win the heart of great Celebrities around the globe. These all scent contains the purest bland of fruity aromas, including Apple, Strawberry, Ruby red grape Fruit, Mango, Rose, Sandalwood, White lily, Jasmine, Seductive woods, Bergamot, Mask, Amber, Vanilla, etc.
Today school dances and neighborhood parties called "block parties" are very popular for young and old alike. Therefore, more and more adults around the globe celebrate All Saints' Day; they go to masquerade partying with friends and neighbors. However, partying and pranks with cologne are not the only things that Halloweeners enjoy doing. People used to collect money to buy food, fragrance, and medicine for needy children around the world. The great fragrances are also used as a special gift to someone who is special to him or her during All Saints' Day. You can also wear fragrances introduced by great perfumer in different occasions such as work, parties, and even evening events. The different items of different brands of scents can be easily obtained from the Internet with discounted price.

Halloween Celebrations Throughout the World

Halloween is one of the World's oldest holidays. The name Halloween is a Scottish contraction, derived from the proper name “All Hallow's Eve.” It was named such because it falls on the night before the Catholic “All Hallows” day, or, “All Hallowed Souls” day. Halloween is also known as the Day of the Dead.Throughout the world, many countries celebrate Halloween, each in their own unique ways.

Halloween in Indonesia !

Like most expatriates far from home, parents in Indonesia make an extra effort duringhalloween in indonesia special holidays to recreate traditions from home for their children. Halloween is no exception and is widely celebrated amongst the expatriate community in Indonesia, particularly amongst North Americans.

Explaining Halloween

If you have troubles explaining Halloween to Indonesians, it may be helpful to think of Halloween in terms of something that is similar in Indonesia. I have heard of no direct historical tie to Halloween in Indonesia. s colonial history. However, a Halloween-like religious/cultural event in Indonesia is Nyepi, which is celebrated by Hindus in Bali. The night before Nyepi, the Hindu New Year, Balinese leave their homes and make a lot of noise all through the neighborhood and community, to scare away the evil spirits. The next day, Nyepi, Balinese must stay inside their homes, not doing any work, cooking or making any noise that would invite the spirits into their home. So, if an Indonesian friend asks you to explain Halloween, you may find it easier to point out the similarities with Nyepi than to describe how the pagan origins of this holiday turned into the candy-seeking, costume-wearing party that it is nowadays.

Halloween Myths

The celebration of Halloween is in itself founded on myths. As far back as 2000 years ago, the Celts (a clan that lived in the UK, Ireland, France and other areas of Europe) believed that on October 31, the Lord of Death (Saman), would call together all the souls that had died the previous year in order for them to travel to the afterlife. Hence the birth of Halloween myths, with this being the first acknowledged.

More Halloween myths and superstitions - these are a mix of ancient and new Halloween myths and superstitions:
  • Black cats are a sign of bad luck - still unfounded
  • If an unmarried girl keeps a rosemary herb and a silver sixpence under her pillow on Halloween night, it is quite likely that on that very night, she will dream of her future husband
  • If you hear someone's footsteps behind you on Halloween night, don't turn around, because it's the dead that are following you. If you make the mistake of turning around, you may very well end up dead soon
  • Around Halloween time, if an unmarried girl carries a broken egg in a glass and takes it to a spring of water, she will be able to catch the glimpse of her future husband; if she mixes some spring water in the glass, she will also see the reflection of her future kids
  • If no one speaks at the table during Halloween dinner, the spirits will be encouraged to come to the table
A "myth" is a story, which has its roots in the traditional beliefs of a certain culture. The rituals that are typically followed during Halloween owe their origin to weird Halloween myths that are still strongly believed by many. Beware though, they are largely still just myths and superstitions.

Halloween Myths

In Defense of Halloween (I’m coming for you!)

For as bats’ eyes are to daylight so is our intellectual eye to those truths which are, in their own nature, the most obvious of all.  –Aristotle, Metaphysics.
Halloween needs a proper defense. Unfortunately, I haven’t the time nor the faculties for the exercise and yet; having perceived the numerous malefactors standing against this cherished holiday, I’ve decided to provide what I can and hope that my writings help in a small way.
Most agree that the origins of Halloween traditions are vague and in many cases, beyond the historian’s ability to recover.  The carving of Jack’o'lanterns, for instance, is an act lost in the fog of time, leaving us with only theories and generalizations about its origins.*  The same could be said about Trick or Treating.
One thing is certain, at least among the culture and people with whom I’m most familiar, Halloween is a day that is closely associated with evil.  This causes unfortunate reactions from all factions in the community, ranging from outrage among the pious Christians to elation among the pagans (who dance naked around bonfires at any opportunity!)
I’ve found the most overt opposition arising from Christians.  It is especially frustrating to deal with those peculiar Protestants who hold to the Regulative Principle of Worship and only celebrate the holidays and events which the Bible explicitly mentions.  (These brethren do not even celebrate Christmas and come December, I expect to confront them again.)  The bulk of my article will deal with these.
On the other hand, Halloween, as I’ll seek to defend it, is different from the modern and subtle perversion made of it by the pagans and sex-crazed, humanistic youths.  So, I’ll briefly address this ideal as well.
My memories stand in contrast to both extremes.  It is not my interest to defend sinful notions (as the pagans do) nor is it my intent to silence the organic outgrowth of the small-town, agrarian celebration by harping on a dry, doctrinal point (as our Regulative brethren would).
No, Halloween brings to my mind all the brilliant colors and smells of an autumn afternoon: the taste of pumpkin pie, the rough and bumpy hide of a gourd, the sweet flavor of hay in every breath and the exciting horizon of color one experiences in the sweeping landscape!  It’s an autumn evening filled with adrenaline and the height of adventure, where all that is good and holy among the people face the evil, alien dark of nature and arise (along with the sun on All Saints morning) victorious!  Reigning forever with Christ over evil!
Though my young mind couldn’t articulate it, I had grasped the true meaning of Halloween.  The meaning of it was never explained by anyone.  We didn’t have to explain it!  It floated around in the air like the ghost effigies hanging in everyone’s yards!
Halloween is the day that we celebrate the progressive sanctification of our entire community!  The progression of God’s kingdom and authority throughout the physical world at the expense of the ghosts and goblins lurking in the myriad of dark recesses yet unexposed!
James Jordan clarifies:
The Festival of All Saints reminds us that though Jesus has finished His work, we have not finished ours. He has struck the decisive blow, but we have the privilege of working in the mopping up operation. Thus, century by century the Christian faith has rolled back the demonic realm of ignorance, fear, and superstition. Though things look bad in the Western world today, this work continues to make progress in Asia and Africa and Latin America.
The Biblical day begins in the preceding evening, and thus in the Church calendar, the eve of a day is the actual beginning of the festive day. Christmas Eve is most familiar to us, but there is also the Vigil of Holy Saturday that precedes Easter Morn. Similarly, All Saints’ Eve precedes All Saints’ Day.
The concept, as dramatized in Christian custom, is quite simple: On October 31, the demonic realm tries one last time to achieve victory, but is banished by the joy of the Kingdom.
What is the means by which the demonic realm is vanquished? In a word: mockery. Satan’s great sin (and our great sin) is pride. Thus, to drive Satan from us we ridicule him. This is why the custom arose of portraying Satan in a ridiculous red suit with horns and a tail. Nobody thinks the devil really looks like this; the Bible teaches that he is the fallen Arch-Cherub. Rather, the idea is to ridicule him because he has lost the battle with Jesus and he no longer has power over us. – (See original article here.)

The Halloween Spirit

Halloween is a great party occasion, a truly unique chance for everyone to unload some stress and go back to a time when everything was much more simple, and dressing up in costumes made everything funny and great. This is one day you will want to celebrate, if not for the fun of it - simply for the relaxation and happiness it brings.
Halloween has its roots in past times, it has been celebrated for many years in many different ways, but the true idea of Halloween remains the same throughout times, it is about clearing all rational thought and having some plain old fashion fun for a few hours, spending time with the kids and thinking about treats and tricks.
In preparation for Halloween you will find yourself spending time on costume choosing and then costume finding, most of the original costumes are a combination of many different things put together, sometimes it does not even have to cost a fortune to combine some clothes into a spectacular Halloween costume.
The true benefit of Halloween for us adults is the opportunity to have fun and relax for a while, live in the children fantasy world, and concentrate our thoughts on candy and the funniest tricks we can think of, if practiced well Halloween can be a nice break from the every day routine and business schedule, it can be a nice chance to spend quality time with the family, and enjoy the spirit of this special day.
Once you decide on a costume you should also start thinking of the tricks and gadgets you will want to have on you once you meet those people you will ask the candy from, although you should consider the other people safety you should also think about what can make the biggest effect on them, and what will also stay in their memories of this Halloween, a good Halloween joke can survive many years.
Treat yourself and your family to lots of candy and a nice Halloween gift basket, make sure you got all the things you want to have to hand out to those nice kids who will be knocking on your door very soon, and try not to think about costs of dental clinic visits too much on this day, after all one day will not make the difference between healthy or damaged teeth.
For one day we have a chance to go back to childhood and do crazy things, this is also a very good way to leave some stress and anxiety behind and let go for a few hours, spend some nice moments with your family and behave like you were eight years old once again, you will feel a whole lot better after this day, and your family will love that new side of you too.

Halloween JOKES !

Why do mummies have trouble keeping friends?
They're so wrapped up in themselves ...

What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist?
He was repossessed!

Why does Texas no longer have Halloween or Thanksgiving?
Because the witch took the turkey to Washington!

Why do male ghosts have so much trouble dating?
Women can see right through them!

Think Halloween is going to suck this year (2008)? Empty haunted foreclosed houses everywhere!

Haunted foreclosed houses
Ed Stein cartoon

Drunk Halloween Pumpkin
Drunk Halloween Pumpkin
More Halloween jokes soon!

Those Were the Days: How Halloween Used to be Celebrated Like in Good Old days

Autumn: the end of summer, and the beginning of the festive season for which every one of us waits throughout the years! The cool temperatures, the majestic mountains and the splendid landscapes all add their individual touches to enhance the beauty of the season. And in fact, all these are symbolic of something special that is about to arrive: yep, I am talking about Halloween.
It is something that children wait for throughout the year; after all, can they really forget about the 'trick of treat' method or that bag full of candies that they are going to get? In this article I will tell you how the present-day Halloween has changed drastically from the tradition.
Those were the days...the old timers would reminisce, when Halloween was celebrated in a much simpler way than now. As a matter of fact, 'tricking or treating' is not much in vogue now; it's been replaced by lavish fancy dress parties. But the old timers would remember that there was a time when no one could even think of Halloween without the custom of 'tricking of treating', especially children for whom, it was like an excuse to eat candies to their hearts' content!
In those days, children would go around the neighborhood to 'trick' their neighbors, and they were in turn treated with a warm smile and plenty of delicious goodies. Children used to collect those goodies in large brown bags that they used to carry with themselves. The goodies would range from apples to candies, popcorn balls, etc.
Back then, people didn't spend too much money on costumes; they made them on their own. Children were usually the ones who used to get excited at the idea of creating scary Halloween costumes, and they would dig through the pile of the old clothes and other belongings of their parents in order to find suitable items for the costume!
Times have changed now. There is the difference of heaven and hell between the candies of then and now. Then, the candies were homemade and hence completely safe to take. Nowadays, you cannot put any candy in your mouth without inspecting it first for any sharp or harmful objects! There are so many stores displaying a vast range of Halloween costumes that children rarely need to make anything on their own. Nevertheless, some things have still not changed! The fun and excitement about the impending Halloween party is still there in the hearts of young and old alike, the scary part is also there in Halloween parties, and the spooky and ghoulish delicious Halloween recipes too haven't left us!
Even though we have shifted a lot from tradition, the fun is still there, and that is what Halloween is all about, right?

Top 10 Halloween Costumes for Women That Do Not Look Slutty

Many women dress up for Halloween, it is surely a fact that Halloween is not just for kids. However, most Halloween costumes for Women look slutty. If you're like me, who want to show off creativity more and show off skin less for Halloween, you may want to consider one of the following:
1) Do you dream to be butt-kicker, word saver, super-heroine? Then why not be one for Halloween? If you like the idea, but doesn't really want to show off too much of your skin, then you might want to choose the Barbara Gordon (1967) version of Bat-girl. This version doesn't show much of the cleavage.
2) Harley Quinn: Now, if you want to be bad, and don't feel like being super-heroine for Halloween, then the Harley Quinn costume is for you. This super-villain costume will make you a one hot bad mama in an instant.
3) Charlie Chaplin: If you picture yourself the silent type, then this might be the Halloween costume for you. I'm talking about silent-film legend Charlie Chaplin. Put on some trousers, wear a coat, down your hat, grab your cane and off you go. And oh, let's not forget that funny paste-on mustache.
4) The Joker. Do you want to be unique and would like to see if you can pull off a supposedly costume for men? If you are up for it, then the Joker costume is for you. You have a choice to either put on a Joker's mask or just work on your face and put on the Joker's makeup, either way, you will surely pull it off.
5) Combat Soldier: Support our troops they say. There is no other way to salute our men and women fighting for our freedom and oil overseas than to dress like a combat soldier this Halloween.
6) School Girl: Men like uniforms. Men like women who wear glasses. Combine the two and you have an unbeatable combo. Go to your Halloween party this year dressed as a school girl with glasses and you'll end up being irresistible. Who who'd have thought nerdy could be so sexy?
7) The Mad Hatter: Johnny Depp will take a stab as the Mad Hatter next year. This year, though, the honors could go to you. Nobody said that the Mad Hatter has to be played by a guy.
8) Mummy Mommy: Zombie movies are in even as they have turned into comedies. A unique way on the mummy is to go as the mummy mommy. Grab a lot of tissue paper rolls, wrap yourself up, grab a baby and go scare up some good fun.
9) Michael Jackson: Bad, Billie Jeans, Thriller, just select one that you think you can pull off. Just stick with the last rendition of Michael Jackson though, and this look will surely work on you.
10) Bernie Madoff: This one should be easy to pull off. Put on a man's business suit. Wear a sign that says, "I want to invest your 401K." Act trust worthy. How scary is that?

HALLOWEEN COSTUME SAFETY... 5 Tips to Keep Your Child Safe

Here are the facts you must know about Halloween costume safety.
Every year, at the end of October, our homes are invaded by ghosts, witches, monsters and such. Thankfully, there are also enough nuns, princesses and super heroes to protect us from the scary guys. Of course, I am talking about Halloween.
Halloween is the one time during the year when children can indulge their wildest fantasies and be rewarded for whatever they dream of being, but it is still up to us to keep them safe.
Halloween safety begins with costume safety. We wouldn't dream of sending our children to school, or out to play, wearing clothing that could be dangerous to them. Halloween is the one day during the year when we let the rules slip a bit. It doesn't have to be that way.
Here are some valuable tips that will help you keep the kids safe:
The mask:

* Vision -- Small eye holes in a Halloween mask can reduce your child's peripheral vision. Crossing streets and navigating unfamiliar sidewalks in the dark becomes more dangerous than usual. Ever considered face painting?

* Hearing -- A full head mask can also cut down on hearing.

* Choking -- Most kids eat on the run at Halloween. If they are wearing a mask it is impossible to see if they are choking on a piece of candy.
TIP: Using a pair of scissors, enlarge eye holes and cut holes around the ears and mouth. Consider face paint instead of a mask.
The costume:
* Light and bright - If possible, convince your child to wear a light colored costume. It makes him/her much easier to see at night.
TIP: If your child is determined to wear a dark costume add reflective tape to the costume. It is even a good addition on light colored costumes. You can find it at most bicycle stores.
* Flame resistance - If you are buying a costume, look for the "flame resistant" label. This does not mean that the costume is fireproof, only that it does not catch fire, or support a flame, easily. Keep this in mind if you decide to create your own costume.
TIP: Test the material by passing a small piece over a candle or lighter.
* Tripping - Costumes usually come in small, medium, or large. Kids come in all sizes. Costumes that are too large, or that drag the ground, present a real tripping hazard.
TIP: Trim the hem of the costume with a pair of scissors, or use safety pins to adjust the size, to eliminate this hazard.
General safety considerations:
* Safe houses - Restrict trick or treat activities to neighborhoods that you know are safe. Plan your child's route in advance.
* Adult supervision - Go trick or treating with your child or form a group of block monitors to patrol the neighborhood. Keep a cell phone with you for use in an emergency. Have the cell numbers of other block monitors pre-programmed in your phone.
* Don't eat until it has been checked - Get your child to agree to this before trick or treating begins.
TIP: Give your child a small supply of their favorite snack or candy to take with them. This will reduce the temptation to eat unchecked candy.
Halloween is a time to build great memories that will stay with your children for their entire lives. By following these tips you can do your part to make this happen.

Make Amazing Halloween Cards for the Loved Ones

Greeting cards is one of the beautiful means to express ones emotions to friends and family. Some may opt for ready-made greeting cards whilst a few could choose to let their artistic side come out and create them depending upon the occasion. The 31st October is celebrated as the Halloween's Day and it definitely seems to be the right time to start the process of creating some amazing cards. It dates back to the 16th century when Halloween was first attested as 'All-Hallows-Even' which means a night prior to that of All Hallows Day.

The occasion is one that of celebration and showing respect to the 'unknown'. There are a number of traditions which people follow and indulge in diverse activities to celebrate the day. Wishing people with cards is one of the best options. Think of creating cards with some real horrifying images that aptly represent the day. Also, via your cards, you could simply highlight the facts about Halloween characters or use them as party invitations. There are tools that are available which can help you create a card that you may have thought of for quite some time.

The best part about these programs is that they have pre-designed templates with graphic features, with over thousands of them, so that, you can design preferredHalloween Greeting Cards. The tool is very simple to use and time-saving. Such programs could have features like:

1. Beautiful templates with interesting background themes.
2. Feature to insert or add pictures and images you want on the card.
3. Attractive shapes, frames and symbols that could jazz up the look of the greeting card.

Since you can insert or add images of your choice, for Halloween's, you could simply use face of your siblings or friends and fix it on the body of bats printed on the card and add text to it as if they are saying something. You could apply your creative ideas while designing the cards with striking color and graphics combination. With the existing themes and ideas you could find the process of creating and personalizing cards as a really fun activity.

How to Have The Perfect Halloween Party

Traditionally more popular in America, over the past 10 years Halloween has wormed its way into British culture and is now firmly a part of the UK calendar and not just for the kids either. An increasing amount of "grown ups" are celebrating All Hallows' Eve with fancy dress fun at parties and on nights out.

Four Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Halloween

What exactly is Halloween? For many, it is merely a reason to dress up and be someone else for a night. For kids, it's a chance to collect loads of free candies and chocolates. For business people, it's an annual money-making machine. In truth, Halloween is basically a holiday so mixed up with historical facts that people perceive it as a night when you wear a costume and be whoever you want to be. This is rather fitting, considering that historically, this holiday has had a similar identity crisis. Below are four important things you most likely didn't know about Halloween.

Halloween Food Tips - Ideas and creations for all your Halloween food recipes

There are a large number of Halloween food tips available to those that are interested in creating interesting, unique snacks on this festive holiday. You can create foods that are appropriate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, beverages, snacks, and everything in between, before, and after. Here, I will provide some basic Halloween food tips that you can implement this year in order to bring new life to your festivities.
Keep in mind, these festivities are not for the faint, or easily weakened, these are spookynite spectacular recipes that are rather enjoyable and entertaining for those that are searching for spooky spectacular scares and thrills during Halloween. If you are one of these people, then these recipes will be just perfect for you!
When it comes to Halloween food tips, appetizers rule the roost! Seeing that there are a large host of Halloween parties, gathering, and all sorts of other social gatherings, appetizers are an important element. The first recipe that we will discuss is one that I found some time back. It is called “Spiderwiches”. First, you take at least 4 rolls that are pumpernickel based, and then about a half a cup of tuna salad.
Once you have gathered these two ingredients, get out some mustard in a squeeze bottle, and a whole bunch of those little pretzel sticks. You simply take the rolls and cut them in half. Now, spread a bit of the tuna salad on the bottom half and set is down with the cut side on the bottom. Then, take and put four pretzel sticks on either side of the roll as legs. Then, push down two sticks into one end of the roll to make some scary spider eyes! That's all there is to it!

Trick or Treat

Trick or treat as a Halloween-related activity can be traced back to Samhain celebrations as early as 2000 years ago. The Celts (clan of people from England, Ireland, France) believed that on October 31, the Lord of Death (Saman), would call together all the souls that had died the previous year in order for them to travel to the afterlife. As part of their activities around this time, the Celts would offer food to Saman in order to persuade him to more be temperate when he is judging their ancestors. This is seen as a precursor to what we now seen in modern day Halloween celebrations as "trick or treating", as the villagers would be offering food to other villagers (beggars). Over time, this however changed, and the Villagers' children became the beggars, going from house to house to receive fruit, baked products and money.

The modern day trick or treat - today, trick or treating is an activity that's usually reserved for children; they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as sweets, chocolates and snacks and asking the question, "Trick or treat?". The "trick" part of "trick or treat" is a threat to play a trick on the homeowner or his property if no treat is handed over. Trick or treating is now said to be the most popular and socially expected aspect of Halloween celebrations.
The trick or treat activity is extremely popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada. It is also spreading quickly to other countries due to the impact and influence of American culture on these societies.

Trick or Treat

Halloween Facts: All about Pumpkins

This time of year, it's all about pumpkins. Carving them, decorating with them, and using them in recipes. Everyone does it as part of the Halloween tradition, but does anyone really know why? Let's take a look!

Carving jack-o-lanterns is a tradition that dates back to the Celtic tradition of Samhain, which was the night when dead souls came back to earth in search of bodies. The jack-o-lanterns, lit from within by burning lumps of coal, served to ward away evil spirits but welcome the spirits of loved ones. Jack-o-lanters were originally carved from gourds or even turnips, until the discovery of North American pumpkins. The pumpkin that we use today to carve jack-o-lanterns was indigenous to the western hemisphere. In 1584 a French explorer noted his discovery of "large melons" or "ponpions"--pumpkins. Pumpkins are now grown all over the world on six continents, except for Antarctica of course!